Sunday 1 April 2018

Rails for a Sunday afternoon

Sheer cut down, and rails installed. New width set, thwarts and carry handles to be cut and shaped while we wait for the seat. Parts to be epoxy sealed and varnishes prior to final paint

Shape set with straps, inner rail set against outer and fastened after sheer cut

Lots and lots of clamps. Never too many

New profile with lowered ends

One side done

End tapers cut before second rail installed permanently

Second rail set to mark sheer profile before cutting

Outer rail in place against inner on final side

Assembled with Stainless Screws

Done, sanding next

New hull profile

Cut offs

Mocked up with seat

Carry handles to be shaped and installed along with decks

Thwarts to be shaped and installed

Lowered bow profile

Waiting on that new seat!

Seat base will put paddler higher up in hull

Roasted ash will be worth the effort when varnished

Past the halfway point - install decks, thwarts, carry handles and seat. Epoxy seal, varnish and final paint and ready for spring tripping.

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