Monday 10 March 2014

What is a 'Bavaria Boote Mustang'?

Long answer short, this is:

This creation found its way into the shop. Still not sure what to make of it!

German makers marque. The internet provided some clues, as usual.

Mustang model, 15' long. 

Sealed flotation in the ends, with a hatch for storage.

Love it or hate it, it needs some 'glass patching, smoothing and paint. 

Third seat to be put back in, might not make a bad kid hauler and/or fishing machine.

Similar model from the web, with tractor seats. Now we know what the cords 'glassed into the sides were for - flotation.

Patches done, holes filled

patched inside and out

stronger than before

Primer on the inside

Topside done, ready for paint

Now for the flip

Next is the two tone paint and new seats of Mahogany Ply.

Primed and masked, ready for paint

Here's the look we're going for

Epifanes, single part marine enamel. Fantastic paint.

First coat 

One side done. 

Inside, coaming and lower hull will all be white. 

2nd and 3rd coat will even out the finish, after sanding and prep. 

Next up, seats. Mahogany ply to be cut, shaped stained and varnished. 

Just the lower half left to paint

Matches the Toyota pretty closely!

Nasty old waterlogged mahogany ply seats

New seats x3

Some stain to bring up the grain, then varnish. 

Seats in, almost done

3 or 4 coats of varnish on seats, paint the bottom and stripe the joint and its ready for spring

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Used top have it in green.

I loved this canoe, it could carry lots of stuff ! A bity heavy though.

Beautiful job.

Cheers from France