Sunday 13 January 2019

Temagami Special update

Temagami Canoe Festival was cancelled due to forest fires, and the restoration had stalled so we got a pass. Now its time to get back to it and finish it off. Boat has been stripped, 2 coats of varnish put on and sanded, seats caned and was wrapped in canvas that turned out to be defectve and so was shelved. Now we blow the dust off and get back to it so it will b ready for spring. 
Below are some shots of the restoration in progress. 

 The ugly business of stripping old varnish

 Seats and thwarts had owners name in paint. Called to ask John at Temagami Canoe Company if Bill Smith might have done this during build, he didnt know. Called the owner and he said it would have been his father , lying on his back, painting his name if the event the boat was ever taken.

White oak seats
 Butternut decks, typical gunwale end rot

 Stripped interior

 Stripped decks

 Stripped decks

 Stripped boat ready for repairs and varnish

Oval deck outline
 Red Pine rails
 Cleaning hull to tacks and staples

 Canvas job done by John Killbridge 20+ years ago. Boat has been left out a lot, so ready for redoing. 

 Tip work needed

Butternut decks and red pine rails have stood up as well, or better than typical woods like spruce, ash and cedar.

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