Saturday 21 March 2015

More Form Progress

One step close to a spring build, today the form top was closed in , holes drilled for strongback bolts and sanding  begun. Galvanized steel is sheared and ready to go on, and stems continue to dry on the form, soon to be split, beveled and mounted. After final sanding the bands go on, and a bending form needs to be built to steam bend the upturn in the gunwales. 

Top  closed in, final board on

Final fitting

Galvanized sheet metal sheared to 2.5"

4' abrasive belt, 6" wide and cut open

Final sanding begun

Handles fastened to belt for sanding

Form off of rolling stand and up higher for sanding

Smoothing out edges of strips

Rolled over to look at shape an trim station edges

Nice and fair

Backbone and doublers

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