Tuesday 22 July 2014

Peterborough Square stern canoe

Soon to be in the shop for restoration and canvas, this will officially replace the Tremblay V-Stern canoe we used for fishing and hunting with a 4hp Mercury outboard. These are flat-sterned craft, making them better suited to outboard motors, and loads. This will officially be the fishing machine for kids once restored to its former glory and will be used for day, weekend and longer trips into the wilds for 3 seasons. 

A shot of it 10 years ago, waterworthy and looking great. Needing new canvas and refinishing, it will again return to the water

Custom made trailer for transport, this will rack up some miles running to Ontario's near north, as well as into Northwestern Ontario

Vintage 5hp, to be restored and tuned for reliability. These hulls move through the water with minimal power and great efficiency.

Now the work begins, as with all wooden canoes there's whats immediately evident, and what you find once work begins. Fooling the transom off. steel screws and bolts and rotten framing.

Gunwale repair, many rib tips and planking. New knees and transom of white oak are in order.

Keel, knee, and framing all need attention before we hang an outboard on it. 

Hammer and punch persuaded the bolts to loosen their grip.

Crack in gunwale near the bows. 

Bulky repair, to be replaced with an splice and invisible spline. 

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